
Rushin Around

I haven't really engaged myself into any pieces lately. I don't know why that is. I've been super busy with school trying to get my grades where they need to be in order to enjoy my summer. My girlfriend (Anna) and I are always running around it seems. We're here then we're there and it never stops. I guess that's good in the sense that I never have time to stop and really think and I just keep goin and goin. But it's unfortunate in the sense that we don't take the time to really appreciate what we're doing. That's not really it.. We go to parks and play cards for hours sometimes and we lay in bed on the weekends for a while when we're both feeling lathargic. I don't know how to put into words what I'm trying to say. I feel almost numb. Not in the bad way where I'm blocked off from all emotion, but in the way that I just don't let things get to me because I don't have the time to. I don't have the time to miss my friends whom I haven't seen in months. Or I don't have the time to stress about school because I'm doing something else all the time and I'm distracted from it. So everytime I try to write, I don't know what to actually write about because I don't have a specific one emotion that I'm feeling enough in order to put it on paper. So I'm blank. And that bothers me. But not enough to do something about it. And it bothers me that I'm not strong enough to stop this cycle.


Ani DiFranco

Anna has introduced me to Ani DiFranco and I absolutely LOVE her!

"It feels like wreckless driving when we're talking."

"Air was smoking, streets were dry, I wasn't joking when I say goodbye."

"Oh how I miss substituting a conclusion of a confrontation with a kiss."

"Tighten my belt around my hips where your hands were missing."

"Too much is how I love you; too well is how I know you."

"I can survive and I can endure and I don't even think about her... Most of the time."

"Someday you will find you are starving and eating all of the words you just said."

"Don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down whether or not you ever show up?"

"I'm singing now because my tear ducts are too tired."

"And yes, this is the price we pay for the privilege to live for even a day."

"She built a sky scraper of procrastination."

You'll never know dear just how much I loved you. You probably think this was just my big excuse, but I stand committed to a love that came before you and that fact that I adore you is just one of my truths."

"Make me forget every moment that went by and left me so half-hearted because I felt it so half-assed."

"And love is a piano dropped from a four story window and you in the wrong place at the wrong time."