
She's Gorgeous

She's gorgeous.
In the way that when you walk by her,
You stare.
I stared.
I could see her blue eyes from across the gym
And they froze me.
But she melted my heart.
Melted it down
Til colors came streaming from my pores
Cause she paints me up to be
The most beautiful version of "self"
I have ever been
Or could ever imagine being.
She's different.
Not in the cliche "I've never felt this way for anyone before"
Type of different.
Cause I have.
But the in the way where
I want to feel her skin go on for miles
Where her hair like vines wrap around my body
And one look at her smile can make me never want to leave.
Cause she's way too good for me.
And I'm so lame.
Like the times when she knows just what to say,
And I still stumble on my words.
And she calls me to tell me she's safe,
While I'm speeding down the road.
But I want to give her everything.
Cause I can't write
But she's got me jotting down these lines
Like a fucking author.
...I got her.

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