
Oh no, don't go changing...

Change is inevitable. One of the few things in lief that you can count on to be consistent is change. People don't find who they are or want to be and then just sit around the rest of their life with no one around them. That would be boring.. And a waste. The people around us change who we are. You might meet someone one day and they change you without even noticing it. Then another person and another person and so forth and that's what makes you who you are.

You can also tell how a person has changed by the people they've loved. It's very rare that a couple in high school will go on and get married and live together for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying it's impossible, but very unlikely. That doesn't mean not to take the relationships you're in now seriously. You may be in a relationship in high school for only 8 months, but that relationship might be the most important one for you and you're future partner. With every relationship you learn something new that you either like or dislike about the type of person you want. You take a little something with you from each relationship until eventually you know what type of relationship you want to be in. It's sort of like a game. Love battleship, if you will.

I don't believe there is only one person for you. That's sort of depressing if you think about it. I believe there are a handful of people that you just... Work with, or match with and you can be happy. Like I said, love battleship. First you go for someone with a certain character trait but realize you can't live with that. Mark that down as a miss. Then you date someone with a different trait and you find you're content with them. That may be a hit. And you can keep on doing this until you find someone who has the most hits. There is never going to be someone 100% perfect for you. That would be boring also. The best you can hope for is just a really, really good partner.

It's also good to be able to fight or argue in relationships. There was this one couple my teacher was talking about the other day that has been married for 3 years and have never had an argument. That's impossible, right? Wrong. Example: The man and woman went out to eat one night and they wanted to split desert. The lady says she wants the lemon pie but the husband wants the chocolate cake. Immediately this woman changes her mind and agrees with chocolate cake. No wonder they never fought. She never confronted him about what she wants. That's not healthy. I think maybe like 1 argument every 10 days is pretty fair.

We change others, also. Friends, family, gf/bf's feed off of each other. I guarantee from the time you meet someone to the time you're best friends, you've changed. But it's okay. People shouldn't be afraid of chaneg, they should embrace it. It's one of the only things you can really count on in life. If something changes you, let it, because odds are someone is changing with you.

"People can change, but they don't. They don't because it's easier not to. We're always waiting for our lives to begin, like, figuring we'll be somebody else someday. But what are we waiting for? All we have is now."

1 comment:

christine said...

I totally agree with you on the fighting thing. Keeping it all inside is just stupid. It's like your whole relationship is a lie then.