
The things we do for the people we love

"Love is like the ocean rather than the grindstone."

This statement is so true. If you actually think about it and look at it as something more than a cliche or corny line, you might see it. This speaks so many truths in one simple sentence.

Oceans are dangerous places. They pull then push you. They're playful and mysterious. They often leave you colder than you were when you started. Very similar to love. The funny thing is, is that people know the risks they're taking every time they jump in the ocean. They risk their lives with every step in the water. They've all heard of shark attacks, and storms and the dangers that come along with swimming in the ocean, yet they still do it. Time after time again they take chances, hoping this time will be different.

The grindstone is boring. It's repetitive and predictable and you always end up in pain. The sad thing is that people view love as a grindstone. They know exactly what's going to happen and how it's gonna happen and they prepare themselves for the hurt. Because they know it's coming. But for some people, the grindstone is all they know.

Love is something people should look forward to. If it feels like a chore to you, then try something else. Leave the grindstone.

The ocean is this big space of the unknown. I think that's part of why people keep going back to it. It also gives off a false sense of hope, which is why it's preferred over the grindstone. The bottom line with the grindstone is pain, but for the ocean you never know. "Maybe this time things will go my way" or "I know how to conquer the sea!". The fact is, though, is that the ocean is stronger than any person no matter how you want to look at it. Like the emotion of love is stronger than people like to admit. You can't predict how the waves are going to act on certain days and you can't control if or who you love.

I guess the risks that people are willing to take and the danger they put themselves in every time they go to the ocean is worth the chance to feel loved by just one other person. They take the pulls and they out smart the games and know that the chances of being left alone, in the middle of the ocean, colder than before, is worth the chance of falling in love. This completely contradicts human nature. Human nature is to survive; everyone has a survival instinct inside of them, even if they haven't found it yet. When it comes to love, or the ocean, people push that instinct out. They want that big wave that will push them over the edge, they wanna fall and trust the someone will be there to catch them.

All there's left to do now is run, jump and hold your breathe as you dive head first into the ocean. Always be cautious of the risk factors and the chances you take, but not too cautious. ;]

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